Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Willie Nelson Charged With Marijuana Possession

 Willie Nelson Charged With Marijuana Possession

Country singer Willie Nelson was busted last week for pot possession when police searched his tour bus at a border patrol check point.

Willie initially was thought to have more than 6 ounces on him, which constitutes a felony, but it was actually only 4 oz. The lesser amount means Willie was only slapped with a misdemeanor marijuana possession charge instead. If he’s convicted, he only faces a fine – no jail time.

When I read about the bust last week, I wasn’t even phased. I mean, it’s WILLIE NELSON and POT – they sort of go hand in hand and he’s never hidden the fact that he’s a pot smoker. Cripes, there are SONGS about his pot use. I don’t know, the man is in his 80′s, shouldn’t we just leave him be? I know, I know, it’s illegal no matter what. Just sayin’!



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Willie Nelson Charged With Marijuana Possession

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