Friday, December 10, 2010

Cate Blanchett Signs On For ‘The Hobbit’

 Cate Blanchett Signs On For ‘The Hobbit’

Now that they’ve finally gotten started on ‘The Hobbit,’ I’m glad Peter Jackson (who’s directing) was able to get Cate Blanchett to reprise her role as Galadriel for the movie.

But this is surprising, because the character Galadriel is not in the book ‘The Hobbit.’ Entertainment Weekly speculates about why Peter had her character put in:
…there are virtually no female characters in the book whatsoever, so Jackson is clearly looking to balance out the two-part film somewhat in terms of gender.

On one hand, I appreciate the thought. On the other, I wish studios would pretty much stick to the book when doing adaptations! I can understand the need to cut things down, but adding in characters seems like straying a bit too much.

Cate seems to like period pieces, though. Did you see her in ‘Robin Hood‘ with Russell Crowe?

imnotobsessed/Photos by FAME

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Cate Blanchett Signs On For ‘The Hobbit’

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