Friday, December 10, 2010

Robert Pattinson Wanted To Be A Rapper

Robert Pattinson Wanted To Be A Rapper

He’s one of the most sought after actors in the world. Even Reese Witherspoon has a crush on him! But things could have been terribly different if Robert Pattinson got his wish as a child. He wanted to be a rapper when he grew up!
“You want a secret? OK, how about this – I’ve got a whole collection of tapes of me rapping from when I was 13! I wanted to be a rapper so there are hundreds and hundreds of tapes. They’re very amusing!
“I was obsessed with Eminem when I was younger. When he first came out I was about 12 and fanatical about his ‘Slim Shady’ CD. I think he’s a genius.”
“Most of my rhymes were stolen off other people anyway. They were all like, ‘I was raised on these streets..’,  which was a complete farce because I was actually raised in quite a nice area of London called Barnes. Not very ghetto at all!
“I was obsessed with it all, though. I even had my own little crew – we called ourselves Big Tub and the Tappy Cats.”

If he put one of those tapes on Youtube, I bet it would go viral in a matter of hours!
Robert adds that while he loves the music world, he has no plans of going full time.
“I’m a bit of an attention seeker – I love being on stage. But the thought of performing music on stage terrifies me. I’m not scared of acting though.”
Too funny! What I wouldn’t give to see those old videos! Though I’m glad he’s sticking with acting. I’m not so sure Robert is totally cut out to be a rapper.



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Robert Pattinson Wanted To Be A Rapper

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